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Written by Administrator
Thursday, 24 March 2011 16:22
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Robotics Tournament for the Youth

The Robotics Tournament for the Youth was created in 2009, aiming at providing schools, families and the educational scenario with an organized way to support the learning of science and technology.


The event seeks to consistently provide a natural path between the development of basic education and the inclusion of young adults in the world as productive citizens. It also brings together the Symposium on Issues on Technology and Curriculum and the Symposium on Technologies Applied to the Study of Languages and Codes.


Every year, it provides basic educational materials, support notebooks and guidance to schools regarding the necessary resources to take part in the event, so that they can integrate the desired challenges into their technology courses.


This is the seventh edition of this annual event which has in its history the support of a large number of intellectuals; it is currently one of the largest free, public events of this kind in Latin America.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 12 August 2015 20:43